I was HAPPY to see the release of Quilting Arts eMag In Stitches Volume 4! I've got an article in it on making a nifty Felted Flowerpot Cuff that's handy for seasonal pots of flowers and makes a great gift. In Stitches is just a fabulous concept and I own all four issues. You'll get to see VIDEO TUTORIALS, including mine, plus close-up photos and all sorts of neat interactive goodies. It's better than a magazine and you can download it to your pc or netbook. I am hoping to see it available for Android so that I can carry the latest issue around on my tablet....that's a bug in Pokey's ear (android, android, android).

Don't miss the other great articles like stitching sticks and stones to your quilt projects, a video on turning colored pencil drawings into thread sketched images with your sewing machine and drawing with your bobbin. There are 19 articles with lots of photos. Something fore everyone who loves to STITCH! Enjoy!
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