
Let Me Eat Cake

 Just some fun with digital manipulation of collage paintings. Expect to see plenty of sugary sweetness as I preserve my very low carb diet. These beautiful things are now only in my dreams. Sigh. 


  1. Kelly, love your SWEET paintings. Always so in love with the colors you use. Good luck with your low carb adventures. xoxo (TangoAlphaMike)

  2. Are those Starbucks cake pops???? Until I saw those, I had been doing SO well with watching my sweets... Love both paintings! By the way, I will be going to the Art Camp in Colorado in October! Can't wait to meet you :)

  3. Wonderful paintings Kelly, but isn't that kinda self-defeating? lol! I'm in the same boat as you, but since today is my b-day, I'm GONNA eat my cake and my ice cream!!! ; )
    I always do really good on low carb, but those cravings... I gotta cheat at least for my birthday!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. So excited to get to Art Camp Lou! Um yes...they are cake pops. Sigh. I agree that you have to splurge now and again. We've been making homemade low carb sugarfree ice cream this summer and it takes care of the sweet tooth, but the cakes are still just PRETTY!
