I can't tell you how really wonderful the people at QATV are. From Kathy, the producer, to the camera guy who looked like Sean Penn, they all made me feel incredibly welcome. They were goofy and hilarious and I felt right at home. Right before the cameras rolled, the cute camera guy who taped the mike to my lapel pointed to my hair and told me the purple highlights looked perfect. I could have kissed him. The segment should be a hoot to see, since we stopped twice during taping. Once when we blew the lights (probably my heat gun combined with my Rowenta) and again when the quilt show opened with a loud announcement. But they will work their magic and make it all seamless. There were no less than five rabid ferrets running around in my head during taping. I had to remember NOT to mention a specific product name, even though there is a giant bottle of Translucent Liquid Sculpey sitting in front of us. So I was terrified I was going to say Heat n Bond instead of "fusible webbing" and it wasn't TLS, it was a "translucent liquid polymer clay."
Looking good! You're having as much fun with your hair as your girls have with theirs!